Any request for order cancellation will be issued as per the clauses mentioned below:
Confirm cancellation within (3) days of order or will result into a direct/flat deduction of 25% from your ordered item
However, if requested cancellation is within (7) days, there will be 50% deduction from the item amount.
No requests for order cancellation will be done after (7) days of confirmation.
Each product we receive for return or refund are inspected by quality control department to determine that the product is exactly the same as ordered from our website.
If the product is somehow damaged during the shipment, only then you will get a replacement shipped at our expense. If your product is damaged, please email and specifying the extent of damage within (24) hours.
Refunds will be carried out only when delivery exceeds (29) days for any product after the getaway payment confirmation. This stipulated period starts from the time we receive a final order confirmation from the customer.
Further, if the consignment does not arrive within (6) working days after shipping by express shipment, you may ask us for order tracking code.
If we cannot prove that the consignment was dispatched to the address that was given for the order, we will initiate a full refund including the shipment charges.
We believe satisfying our customers is really important to us. If you have complete reason to return, kindly send us an email at along with details about your product.
We have no control over size, and we process your orders strictly to your selected size. If it is not according to fit, sent a request to the customer service team within 5 (Five) days after the arrival of product. Size charts are added for user convenience on all clothing except merchandise.
Note, custom products will not be returned or exchanged. It is essential that you cross check your measurements carefully before placing an order.
No refunds or exchange will be issued on ordering any product for trial purpose.
Postage and packaging charges are not refundable and relative shipment cost of return must be borne by the buyer.